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Are you ready to remove some sh*t?

I wanted to share a video from my Dream Life Activation program that I think is so valuable.

Hello and welcome back. Today I wanna talk about removing things from your life that no longer serve you. Okay? So I remember when I was working in my corporate job, I was going out like crazy. I was drinking, I was eating unhealthy, and I was doing things in my life that I felt didn't align with my soul energy and who I really was. And I realized as I began to get closer to my soul energy and what I truly wanted in my heart and my desires, that I had to shed some things. And as I'm saying this, I'm sure that there are already things that are probably coming up for you that things that maybe don't align with your soul, don't align with you as a human that you've been doing, maybe that don't make you feel good, okay? In this process of activating our dream life, it's all about feeding ourselves with things that make us feel good.

Because we wanna get in that energetic vibration to attract all the things that we desire. Okay? So if we're feeling bad, it's fine to feel bad, it's fine to feel like have days that are hard, of course. But if we're doing things that are constantly bringing this negative energy, negative negativity into our life, we wanna try to quiet that so we can try to focus on feeling good. Because when we're not feeling our greatest, it's hard to achieve your dreams because you don't have that energy, because your energy is going towards other places. Okay? So for me, it was a lot to do with like alcohol. And I'm not saying I'm, I'm not a sober person. I'm not saying cut out alcohol completely, but for me, I noticed a pattern that I was going out, and then I would go and like, you know, binge drink and then I would be extremely hungover.

And that's when that cycle started happening, where I felt anxiety, I felt depressed about my life. I felt questioning everything. And I noticed that that was coming from the alcohol. And I was like, I don't wanna feel like this anymore. I don't wanna feel like every time I go out and have a good time that now I have to have this like, three day hangover of just feeling like shit about myself and questioning my life. So I had to make an intentional decision to say like, I'm gonna cut that out, or I'm not gonna drink to that capacity. You know, I mean, I'm sure you guys can relate to this, like I was a girl who would go out and probably like drink so much and then be so hungover. So it's like I can now go out, go dancing and have fun, maybe have a spicy margarita, and then come home and then feel great the next day.

And I get to go to the dog park with my dog and enjoy the day. So start recognizing things in your life that may not be serving you, and try to modify that. Maybe there is a habit in your life, a bad habit that you want to get rid of. You don't have to just quit it cold Turkey, but you can replace it with something. So let's say that, you know, I had this habit of going out and partying, going crazy 'cause that's how I was, I was feeling fulfilled on the weekend. Now I can replace it with something else. Maybe I wanna go to a woman's circle, or maybe I wanna go to a full moon party, or maybe I wanna, um, have a cookout with my friends.

By replacing the thing to fill up that space, it helps us kind of move that energy around and do something that makes us feel a little bit better. And this goes in different aspects of your life, okay? So it could be physically, mentally, emotionally, relationships, like, um, consuming information. Like are you someone who scrolls on TikTok for five hours a day? And how does that make you feel? If that doesn't make you feel good, how can you limit that? How can you, you know, maybe build your day doing other things? Maybe you're gonna fill your day with doing yoga or hanging out with friends or building your business. Woo, woo. Um, fill your time with things that make you feel good. Take a look at your relationships. Relationships are a huge thing here. Are there people in your life who are negative? Are there people in your life who are bringing you down?

Are there people in your life who don't believe in you? Are there people in their, in your life that are putting limiting beliefs on you? We'll get into this, but this is something very important to shield yourself on because especially as you're on this journey, you will probably have a lot of people's opinions coming onto you about you pursuing a life of your dreams, pursuing a business that makes you feel excited. And you have to be aware of the people around you. Are they building you up or are they trying to tear you down? If there are people in your life right now that are bringing that negative energy, you can create boundaries, healthy boundaries, and say like, I love you, but I don't need this. You know, I don't need this advice, I don't need this. Maybe we just put a little shield here. Um, so just take a look at your life and take a life audit. And I want you to actually pause this video, get out a piece of paper, get out a pen, and write a list of things that you feel are lowering, lowering your vibe, not making you feel good, you're not getting anything out of it. Like, just get clear on that really quick and then we'll go through that. So pause the video now.

Okay, welcome back. Now I want you to look at this list that you created and see on each of the items, like, is it possible for you to completely remove it from your life? Like, for example, let me think of something. Let's just say eating <laugh> powdered donuts, for example. I don't even eat powdered donuts, but let's say you have this habit of eating powdered donuts every week, and you like, okay, well it, it gives me a little bit of a dopamine, but like, I don't like how I feel after. Like, I never like how I feel after, okay, how can we replace this habit of eating the powdered donuts that don't make you feel good? Okay, so I'm gonna remove it from my life and I'm gonna replace it with something else. Maybe there's something that you find really yummy that you can replace that habit with.

For some reason, what's coming up is peaches. I love peaches. I've been loving peaches lately. It's something that I'm like craving, like the juiciness <laugh>. So if think about something that you love that could be like a healthier alternative and that would make you feel really good to eat and replace that, or, you know, maybe your weak looks, maybe on your list you have something like you hang out with this person who you just feel like not good after you hang out with them every time. Do you guys have those people where like, after you hang out, you're kind of just like, I, I, my energy feels off. Take an audit on your friendships, take an audit on your life and see who is currently in your life. And if you have people that just constantly don't feel good to hang out with, you may wanna reevaluate the relationship.

And you may wanna also go look for a new community of people to hang out with, a new community of people to surround yourself with. Because when you're on this journey, I'm gonna tell you how important it's to surround yourself with people who are uplifting and positive and energizing. And I have a good vibe because you need this because we're healing, we're growing, and we need that support. We need that community. So look at your list and just see how you can make some change, slight changes in your life. We don't have to make a huge drastic change overnight, but just look at your life and see where is things that are making me not feel good, and how can I feed more things in my life that make me feel good in a healthy way and lift my vibration. Because this is all about lifting our vibration, activating our dream life, and literally living the best lives possible. So take a look at your life and let me know what you find. Alright, I'll see you in the next video. Bye.




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